Nights have drawn in; temperatures have dropped and it’s the perfect time of year to reflect. To look into your soul sole. That’s right, have a good rummage and determine whether your footwear is going to get you through the Scottish winter, over the unruly Edinburgh cobbles, around the populous potholes and into your home for a well-earned pint of whiskey.
Basically, have ya’ got a good pair of boots babe? Because if you haven’t, we have got all the boots for all the different types of Cinderella’s. From boots’ which airnt to booty, to boots which are very booty, boots to take you out for dinner, boots for the country girl in the country, boots for the country girl in the city, boots for city girls who kinda want to be country girls etc. You get what I’m going on about. If you’re in the market for some boots of a lifetime, you know where we are.
See below for all our favourite kicks available in store and on the world wide web (click here to have a gander) :