It’s a New Year, but we really want the same old you. We are not for big new year resolutions, but rather pressing the re-start button. Making the odd list of stuff to get done in the year and just having a bit of a re-fresh. We think it’s always good just to take some time for yourself, a little bit of self-care which we reckon makes you more productive in the other areas of life. So here are a few thoughts from us to help you make 2019 (with all it has to hold) a good one.
Yoga – Yes, I know everyone has told you to do this BUT honestly, it’s great for both body and mind. There is a fab wellness centre called Mulberry House down the road from us, with a whole host of classes. Give it a whirl, you won’t regret it.
Taking time to read – What a novelty, when do I have time to read? Well, all I can say is putting on a bit of your fav music and opening up a treasure of a book, reading a magazine or even the news (ahh) is worth its weight in gold. Even if it’s just for 15 minutes. And guess what, just a stone throws away from our shop on William Street is a wonderous new book shop called The Next Chapter. With a focus on self-development they have a very thoughtfully chosen collection of books, along with offering counselling and coaching. It is definitely worth checking out for some good words, both written and spoken.
Whilst on the street it would be criminal not to go and find a corner in lovely Roots Cafe, have a cuppa and delve into your new world of words.
An easily negotiable wardrobe- Give your wardrobe a good clear out. Get on top of what is going on in there (mine is pretty scary at the moment). Then figure out if there are any gaps. Certainly, this year there is a real focus on getting more high quality and sustainable clothes that you will cherish for many moons and feel really great. That is really what we are all about. So, if we can be any help, you know where we are.
Making a space – There is nothing better than making a space your own. And what makes a room better than a fresh bunch of flowers, especially from Rouge Flowers (Also on William Street). Then light a candle, have a nice cuppa (apparently Green Tea is the one, but I’m still on the builders) and put those feet up. What more could you want?
Take the plunge – This one is a bit of the beaten track. But go for a swim. We are all swimmers in Frontiers and couldn’t live without it. The best thing is Edinburgh has the most beautiful Victorian Baths, Drumsheugh Baths being the one for us. For all the brave souls out there, take a dip at Portobello Beach. So, go and grab you togs.
Lastly, to really try kick-start some new habits and learn about an array of holistic practices get yourself along to Wellbeing in the West End. It starts today (11th January) through to Sunday 13th January. They are putting on a bundle of classes, workshops and talks amongst lots of other going-ons and discounts across various Westend businesses. It’s only £20 for the whole three days of activities, in addition to some extra add-ons / discounts. For further details please check out there Facebook page:
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